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Prevent Your Pet From Getting Lost

July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month. One of the worst fears any pet-lover has is their furry friend getting lost. Thankfully - there are many ways you can avoid this situation, and ways to find your pet quickly if they do go missing.

Some ways to protect your pet include: microchipping your pet, getting a collar with ID tags that you keep on your pet at all times, teach your pets commands such as 'come' and 'stay', keep your pet on a leash, secure your yard and home so there are no easy ways for your pet to escape, spay or neuter your pet, and pay attention to what your pet is doing.

During the summer months - pets are at a higher risk of going missing because of more time spent outdoors, and more visits to places that are unfamiliar to your pet. With that said - the above tips will help keep them right where you want them to be!

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