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Heartworm Awareness

Being aware of Heartworm is important. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) this potentially deadly parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes, which pick up larval heartworms - called microfilaria - that circulate the bloodstream of an infected animal. The AKC notes that while dogs with heartworm can be treated, the best approach to this parasite is prevention.

Preventive medication is a course of action many dog and cat-owners take to prevent the disease. The medication is typically taken once per month and will help prevent both internal and external parasites. Talk to your pet’s veterinarian about if this type of medication would be appropriate for your pet. Some medications that prevent heartworm also prevent parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, fleas, and tapeworms. Heartworm disease has the potential to cause lasting damage to your pet’s health and quality of life. We all want our pet to have a healthy and long life which means being aware of this dangerous disease is important.

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