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Cooking For Your Pet

November 1st is #NationalCookForYourPetDay! Cooking for your pet can be fun - but you need to be careful when it comes to what foods you are giving to your pet.

Here are some foods that you CAN give to your pet to help them be healthy and strong: chicken, turkey, pork, lean beef, fish (salmon and sardines are especially good for dogs), eggs (must be cooked), some types of cheeses (cottage cheese and hard cheeses are good in moderation), and yogurt. There are many fruits and vegetables that are good for your pet such as: bananas, blueberries, apples, seedless watermelon, tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, broccoli, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Some grains that are good for your pet include: corn, rice and white bread (in small amounts).

Peanut butter is another favorite for many pets (especially dogs!!)

Consider cooking for your dog and trying out some of the above ingredients. The items listed above will help your pet stay healthy and strong, and your pet will find it tasty!!

On the other hand - be sure to NEVER give your pet chocolate, grapes, raisins, avocados, lemons, limes, and foods with high amounts of sodium!

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