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It is hard to believe that 2021 is already coming to an end! We hope you and your pets had a safe and fun year. I know we had fun going for walks, playing, and getting to see each and every pet's personality.

Throughout the year - we put in a lot of effort to deliver important information to YOU about how to best care for your pet through our monthly newsletters.

In case you missed any of the 2021 newsletters, here is a recap!

If you did not see your pet in the birthday section during their birthday month, please login to your Time to Pet account to update your pet's birthday.

Have a safe and happy holiday and New Year's!!

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November 1st is #NationalCookForYourPetDay! Cooking for your pet can be fun - but you need to be careful when it comes to what foods you are giving to your pet.

Here are some foods that you CAN give to your pet to help them be healthy and strong: chicken, turkey, pork, lean beef, fish (salmon and sardines are especially good for dogs), eggs (must be cooked), some types of cheeses (cottage cheese and hard cheeses are good in moderation), and yogurt. There are many fruits and vegetables that are good for your pet such as: bananas, blueberries, apples, seedless watermelon, tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, broccoli, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Some grains that are good for your pet include: corn, rice and white bread (in small amounts).

Peanut butter is another favorite for many pets (especially dogs!!)

Consider cooking for your dog and trying out some of the above ingredients. The items listed above will help your pet stay healthy and strong, and your pet will find it tasty!!

On the other hand - be sure to NEVER give your pet chocolate, grapes, raisins, avocados, lemons, limes, and foods with high amounts of sodium!

The holiday season is a wonderful time of the year!! Reuniting with family, putting up pretty lights and decorations, opening gifts, and eating lots of good food are just a few of the great aspects of this time of year.

However - it could be dangerous if you are a pet owner and not taking proper precautions to keep your pet safe.

Be aware of where your Christmas tree is located. Pets may try to put ornaments and lights in their mouth, and it could be very dangerous if they try to swallow it. Also, glass ornaments could break which could result in a bad situation if your pet steps in or tries to eat the glass. Some ways to avoid scary situations include getting a gate to put around your tree, placing the tree in a room where your pet cannot get into, or making sure you are in the same room as your pet if the tree is placed in a room within their reach. Gifts under the tree can also be tempting for your pet to get into! One suggestion is to keep gifts elsewhere until Christmas day, so they won’t rip open the gift.

Be cautious when it comes to what food and drinks are within reach of your pet! During this time of the year yummy foods are everywhere - unfortunately many of your favorite foods are dangerous for your pet to consume. Some solutions to ensure your pet stays safe include putting them in another room when you are cooking and eating and placing food and drinks on counters that are out of your pet’s reach.

Family and friends gathering together can be lots of fun! But for your pet - it could give them anxiety being around unfamiliar people. Some solutions on how to ease this anxiety include allowing them to be in a familiar room with toys that they enjoy, and if people want to say hello to the pet to make sure there aren’t too many unfamiliar people at once. Fireworks and other loud noises may be present during the holidays so be aware of that if you know loud noises scare your pet.

We hope you and your pet have a safe and happy holiday season!!

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